2019.11.04【Announcement】Verification Notice Regarding Filing 2019 Taxes
In correspondence with the National Tax Administration annual income calculation of personnel expenses at the end of the year, we ask for cooperation from all units.
2019.09.04【Announcement】Delinquent reporting surcharges will be imposed to foreign profit-seeking enterprises selling cross-border electronic services and failing to file income tax returns.
National Taxation Bureau of Taipei(hereinafter referred to as the NTBT), Ministry of Finance(hereinafter referred to as M.O.F.) expressed that foreign profit-seeking enterprises having neither permanent establishments nor business agents, selling cross-border electronic services and obtaining R.O.C.
2019.05.07【Announcement】Foreign taxpayers with R.O.C.-sourced income shall file for income tax return or tax declaration in accordance with the Income Tax Act
National Taxation Bureau of Taipei, Ministry of Finance(NTBT), indicates that foreign taxpayers who have income from sources in the Republic of China(R.O.C.) as specified in Article 8 of the Income Tax Act shall file the income tax return or tax declaration based on number of days residing in the R.O.C. during the taxable year (January 1 to December 31).
This is a reminder to foreign faculty about tax rates, especially for those staying in Taiwan 183 days or less in a given tax year.
2019.04.30【Announcement】2018-19 AY Expenditure Verification Notice
We would like to direct your attention to the following so that everyone can cooperate with the certified public accountants’ audit: