In accordance with the document TBTSL1080901442, Private Industry-academia Collaboration Projects will need to pay business tax from 2019. Therefore, all faculty members are required to pay attention to the following items when dealing with Industry-academia Collaboration:
In line with 2nd item in statement 1 of the document, TBT7554812, from 2019, please confirm the payment for all private industry-academia collaborations has been wire-transferred to the institution’s bank account before the Bursar Section issues the Triplicate Uniform Invoice. For monthly business tax payments, the institution will not issue receipts in the title of Ming Chuan University for reimbursement.
If the vendor requires payment first based on receiving a receipt, each unit may create its own temporary receipt for reimbursement from the vendor. Upon confirming the date that the payment has been transferred into the institution’s bank account, the responsible unit may submit a copy of the temporary receipt to the Bursar Section for issuing the Triplicate Uniform Invoice and present that to the vendor (Please refer to the attached file for a sample of the temporary receipt.
From 2019, all contracts for private Industry-academia collaborations must indicate if business tax is included in the total amount when signing the contract and 5% business tax must be included in the project budget.
Thanks for your cooperation!