National Taxation Bureau of Taipei, Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as the NTBT) expressed that 2019 Individual Income Tax Filing will commence on May 1st, 2020. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic-related impact, deadline of the said tax filing will extend to June 30th, 2020.
The NTBT explained that during filing period, from May 1st, 2020 to June 30th, 2020, foreign taxpayers may file online by logging onto the e-filing service website (maintained by Ministry of Finance): or the official website of the NTBT: to download the e-filing program.“Web” version is also available for taxpayers to file online through Mac computer, Linux computer or Tablet. Furthermore, there are 4 ways to login the e-filing program as follows: (1)via Aliens Citizen Digital Certificate (2)via registered National Health Insurance Card (3)via Financial CA (4)via ARC number as well as Passport/Residence/Permit number (as specified on the ARC or Entry and Exit Permit as of January 31, 2020).
deduction, remuneration paid by offshore employer, itemized deductions and so on shall be submitted to tax office in jurisdiction in person or by mail before July 10, 2020. As for foreign taxpayers residing in Taipei city, please forward the aforementioned documents to Foreign Taxpayers Section (Address: No.2, Sec.1, Zhonghua Rd.,Wanhua District, Taipei City, 10802, R.O.C.).
The NTBT reminded that online filing is 24 hours available from May 1st, 2020 through June 30th, 2020. To save your time and effort, to avoid risk of COVID-19 infection and get rid of long waiting queue, please file online and pay tax by credit card or ATM card.
(Contact: Ms. Liao, Section head of the Foreign Taxpayers Section, Services Division; Tel: (02) 2311-3711 Ext. 1130)